Thursday, July 30, 2009


I've thought long and hard and gone back and forth about what to do about Megs. Today I decided the best thing to do for Megs is bring her back to the shelter to go up for adoption. With my current living situation she's confined to a small cage when I can't be home to supervise her and it just isn't fair to her. I'm planning to move in the fall but I can't her live like that for another two months. My other foster kittens all had run of the apartment by this age. They'd be in the bunny cage overnight but that's about it. Megs is getting bigger every day and she's active and really needs freedom to explore and play and develop her kitty skills. She's not going to have that here. I do need to talk to the Animal Care Manager to make sure she'll go straight up for adoption... I don't want to bring her back just to have her sit in a "sick room". If AB agrees she can go right up for adoption I'll be taking her back early next week (The shelter is closed Monday).

I won't lie, this hurts a lot. I've absolutely fallen in love with her and so has Punkin, but I have to think about what's best for Megs. Spending 20 hours a day in a small cage for the next two months isn't what is best for her. Bringing her back will be the hardest thing I've had to do since Humphrey. But Humphrey found a wonderful home and is truly a "success story".

I hate asking for help, or making any admission of weakness for that matter, but if someone can come with me when it's time to bring Megs back and remind me I'm doing the right thing I'd really appreciate the moral support.

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